2018 Sustainability Report
Corporate Governance Structure

We adopt a transparent, responsible, fair and accountable governance approach. We direct Tofaş Corporate Governance practices in line with the Corporate Governance Principles. We strive to implement these principles at all levels and present our performance to our stakeholders through measuring and reporting.

We are developing our managerial practices in line with modern principles and practices. As a result of our work, our Corporate Governance Rating Note, which was 9.15 in 2017, was raised to 9.20 as a result of the evaluation.

Tofaş Board of Directors consists of 10 members, 2 of whom are independent. The duties of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO are carried out by different persons. CEO is the only member responsible for executive performance and reports directly to the Board of Directors.

The CEO and company senior management are responsible for identifying and managing strategic trends, ensuring risk management, ensuring the functioning of early warning and control systems, determining corporate targets, ensuring compliance with corporate governance principles and achieving the expected performance and results in this area.

The Corporate Governance Committee, Audit Committee, Early Detection of Risk and Risk Management Committee, which carries out their activities under the Board of Directors, have an important role in ensuring the activity efficiency of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee are also performed by the Corporate Governance Committee.

You can reach the detailed information about Tofaş corporate governance structure from

https://tofas.com.tr/en/InvestorRelations/CorporateGovernance/Pages/default.aspx or 2018 Tofaş Annual Report, which is published interactively in http://ir.tofas.com.tr/en/index.html