With our sustainability reports, we aim to provide our stakeholders with the most up-to-date and holistic information about our activities. This year, in our seventh report, we share with our stakeholders the efforts we made during our sustainability journey, our administrative approaches, the social, economic, and environmental impacts of our activities, our performance results, and our targets.

Tofaş Sustainability Report 2019 covers Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikası A.Ş. between 01.01.2019 and 31.12.2019. Except for financial data, information on our affiliates Fer Mas Oto Ticaret A.Ş. and Koç Fiat Kredi Finansman A.Ş., is not included in this report, unless stated otherwise.

This report is prepared in compliance with GRI Standards: “Core” option. The report content has been determined based on the portfolio of topics we obtained as a result of the study aimed at determining sustainability priorities. In certain priority topics, aside from the company information, we included the performance results of the studies we have been carrying out together with our stakeholders that are in the sphere of our value chain. When preparing the data included in the report, we used indicators specified in the GRI Reporting Standard as well as such performance evaluation criteria as the CDP and corporate governance grade, which are recognized in this field, to provide a more comprehensive and holistic analysis opportunity for readers.

We aim to carry out our future reporting studies by following the same guidance methodology on an annual basis. You can access our interactive sustainability webpage at

tofas.com.tr/en/Sustainability/SustainabilityReports to see the sustainability reports of previous years as well as the PDF version of the Tofaş Sustainability Report 2019.