2020 Sustainability Report
Supply Chain Management

We maintain our relationship with our suppliers in line with the concept of business partnership, ensuring sustainable competition, transparency, and trust. We believe that a supply chain that is financially strong, operationally environment friendly, and reliable in terms of production quality and continuity will reinforce our success. In that context, we are doing our best to contribute to continuous development of our suppliers that are among the key elements of our value chain.

Supply chain processes are carried out through specialized units, including Supply Chain and Purchasing Directorate, which directly reports to the CEO, and Supplier Quality and Development Unit. Special strategic goals and performance results are reported to the company’s senior management, Committee for Early Detection of Risks and Risk Management, and the Board of Directors. Goals and strategies devised by the senior management guide us in our future operations.

We expect our suppliers to adopt the same ethical values as Tofaş. Thus, agreements that we conclude with suppliers also encompass Tofaş Ethic Standards. We support our suppliers in rectifying any infringement of our ethical standards.

We make sure that our procurement activities for our new projects lead to transfer of advanced and smart technologies to the Turkish automotive industry and contribute to Tofaş’s competitiveness in the global arena. Tofaş works with more than 3,000 direct and indirect (service and industrial procurement) suppliers. We purchase goods from 148 direct material suppliers from 14 cities in Turkey.

Supplier Selection

Our main expectation from our suppliers is their cooperation with us to attain common goals. We take account of some basic criteria while selecting our suppliers.

We are handling our overseas supplier processes with FCA procurement organization. As regards to local procurement, we are keen to reduce the dependence of the Turkish automotive industry on imported goods and to increase domestic production of components. In 2020, we purchased 75% of goods, excluding motor and transmission gear, from local suppliers, and continued to contribute to the growth of local suppliers.

Localization is one of our medium- and long-term strategies. Our work with local suppliers helps them reach a global scale and become more competitive.

In December, we hosted an online Supplier Meeting and Award Ceremony to award successful suppliers of the year. Competing under eight categories, a total of 18 prominent suppliers were granted awards for their successful works. Furthermore, in Supplier Performance category, Egea Cross model vehicles were given as a gift to two suppliers, who created the greatest profit with their valuable technical recommendations.

Supplier Development Practices

We pursue policies that will contribute to the development of our suppliers in many fields, including product design, organizational/technical development, quality, cost improvement, physical and financial risks, improvement of production process, joint procurement, and sustainability. Our aim is to establish a proactive and autonomous procurement process through our supplier development efforts. We organize special training sessions and events for our suppliers to share our technical knowledge with them.


One of our primary goals in our supplier development efforts is to establish a predictive and autonomous process, totally changing the reactive and problem solving-centered business method. In this context, our basic strategy is to:

“In 2020, 12 suppliers were assessed in terms of environmental criteria, and financial risk assessment was conducted in 119 suppliers.”

8% Less Co2 Emission in Eskişehir Line

“Reduction of CO2 Emissions” project, one of the Green Logistics projects falling under the scope of Local Material Transport operations of our Directorate of Supply Chain, was commissioned. Thanks to the project we conducted with Ekol Logistics, one of our business partners, we installed dual system to the vehicles working on the Eskişehir line to use CNG fuel, as a result of which we reduced our CO2 emissions (9 tons/year) by 8% on Eskişehir line, and contributed to a sustainable environment. In time, the project will also be implemented in other regions we operate.


The materials we directly import from Europe are collected from 20 suppliers located in seven different countries with Milkrun trucks, and transferred to Tofaş on a weekly basis. Accordingly, we initiated our Europe Milkrun project in early 2020 with the aim of increasing truck occupancy rate and reducing costs, and at the end of the project’s sixth month, i.e. in June 2020, it was put into practice. In order to plan Milkrun trips on a “minimum distance, maximum truck occupancy rate” basis, an optimization algorithm was developed on Python considering the time those imported materials are needed. And the algorithm was then integrated into Tofaş’s systems. Supply Chain Development, Material Planning, Transport Planning, International Trade, and IT Teams worked together in this project. Thanks to the project, we have managed to reduce our transportation by trucks by 5% in Milkrun operations. Furthermore, the project also reduced the total distance travelled per truck, lowering our emission values in Milkrun operations by approximately 7%. Total outcome associated with the project is as follows:

•  Autonomous Planning

•  Transport Mode decision mechanism (Ship-Truck- Minivan)

•  Homogeneous distribution of orders by weekdays

•  Merging countries

•  Collecting goods from multiple points in a country

•  Systematic checks on tonnage limitations

•  Infrastructure for contracted management instead of spot management

•  Management infrastructure for DAP contracts


We worked with four of our international suppliers to improve their flows. As per our agreement with three of our suppliers, we were importing goods through a dispatch center; however, within the scope of our improvement operations, we eliminated the dispatch center, and began transferring goods directly from the suppliers to Tofaş.

These projects helped us save on costs, while also reducing the distance travelled annually by 58,250 nautical miles and 136,550 km, and lowering CO2 emission by approximately 150 tones.

Management of Sustainability Risks in the Supply Chain 

We assess sustainability risks not only for our own operations, but also for the entire supply chain. We employ proactive methods to predict, manage and monitor environmental, social and economic risks that may occur in the supply chain, and to map out required action plans in advance. We provide our suppliers with financial and operational support to help them acquire information regarding the management of sustainability risks.

We monitor and assess supplier performance based on specific criteria. We raise awareness among the suppliers in order for them to realize that reaching the targeted performance and implementation level is a factor that helps them grow.

We identify social and environmental risks in our supply chain through efficient and comprehensive audits. Through the development plans devised after the audits, we support our suppliers so that they can improve their performance. To identify the financial risks in our supply chain, our Financial Risk Management Department conducts audits, and gets help from a third party independent auditing company, when required.

“In 2020, 12 suppliers were assessed in terms of environmental criteria, and financial risk assessment was conducted in 119 suppliers.”