Sustainability Report
About the Report

In this 5th release of our sustainability reports that we have been publishing since 2013 based on the principles of transparency and accountability, we would like to share with our stakeholders, once again, the studies conducted during our sustainability journey, our administrative approaches, the social, economic and environmental impacts of our activities in addition to performance results and targets. We aim to offer the latest and most holistic information to all stakeholders, primarily the investors and shareholders, employees, dealers, suppliers, business partners, universities, and non-governmental organizations.

This report involves the activities of Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikası A.Ş. between 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017. Except for the financial data, information regarding our subsidiaries, Fer Mas Oto Ticaret A.Ş. and Koç Fiat Finansman A.Ş. companies, are not included in the report, unless otherwise stated.

This report has been prepared in accordance with GRI Standards: “Core” option. Report content is based on the subject portfolio obtained as a result of sustainability topics identification process. In some material subjects, we included performance results for the relevant stakeholders in addition to company information. When preparing the data available in this report, we referred to performance evaluation criteria that are generally acknowledged by the sector in order to present a more comprehensive and holistic analysis in addition to indicators defined in GRI Standards. Our target is to conduct future reporting studies in the annual plan by following the same guiding methodology.

You may find sustainability reports for previous periods, PDF version of Tofaş Sustainability Report 2017 and detailed information about the content of the report at www.tofas.com.tr

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