Sustainability Report
Corporate Governance Structure

We conduct Tofaş Corporate Governance practices in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles in a transparent, accountable, fair and responsible manner. We endeavor to realize Corporate Governance Principle at all levels, and measure and present our performance to our stakeholders through reporting.

Tofaş Board of Directors consists of 10 members, two of whom are independent, elected by the General Assembly within the scope of the Capital Markets Board Corporate Governance Communiqué and in accordance with the CMB regulations. While Chairman and Chief Executive Officer duties are carried out by different individuals, CEO is the only executive Board member.

CEO and company executives are responsible for determination of strategic approaches and their conduct, risk management, effectiveness of early warning and control systems, identification of corporate objectives, compliance with corporate governance principles and the efforts to achieve anticipated performance and results; and they report directly to the Board of Directors. Corporate Governance Committee, Audit Committee, Early Detection of Risks and Risk Management Committee, which perform under the Board of Directors, have a key role in ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of the Board of Directors. Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee duties are carried out by the Corporate Governance Committee.

The detailed information about Tofaş corporate governance structure is available on www.tofas.com.tr/en/sustainability/Pages/CorporateGovernance.aspx or on our 2017 Tofaş Annual Report.

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