2018 Sustainability Report
Energy Efficiency & Emissions

We see energy efficiency and emissions as the area where we can create the most visible impact in combating climate change. For this reason, energy efficiency and emissions are the most important part of our environmental management. By limiting our energy consumption and emission release from year to year, we fulfill our responsibility to reduce the risks posed by climate change.

The Energy Guidelines Board, Tofaş Sustainability Working Group and Tofaş Sustainability Committee are responsible for the management of energy efficiency and emission management issues at Tofaş and reporting is made to the CEO. We monitor and continuously improve our energy efficiency and emission performance in line with the short, medium and long term targets. We keep our emission values ​​below the limit values ​​set by the public authorities. In 2018, our energy consumption per vehicle was 3.86 GJ, while our emissions per vehicle were XXX ton CO2.

“By 2020, we aim to achieve our energy consumption per vehicle to 3.50 GJ and the amount of emissions per vehicle to 0.350 tons CO2e.”

During dyeing applications, one of the main processes of automotive production, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions occur. In 2018, we reduced the weight of VOC emissions per painted surface from 33.91 gr/m2 to 32.87 gr/m2. We continue our efforts to reduce VOC emissions and by 2020 we aim to reach 29 gr/ m2.

We support the transition to a low carbon economy through our energy efficiency efforts. We continue to reduce energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions through the projects we have implemented. Within the scope of WCM Energy Management Methodology, we implemented 60 energy efficiency projects in 2018. With the other projects that were commissioned in the last quarter of 2017, the total number of energy projects affecting 2018 reached 79. Within the scope of the projects, we achieved 79.935 GJ energy savings and accordingly 5.383 tons of CO2 reduction.