2021 Sustainability Report
Sustainable Supply Chain

At Tofaş, we evaluate the sustainability risks of our entire supply chain and operations. Our goal is to anticipate, manage, and observe the environmental, social, and economic risks that may occur in the supply chain. We aim to develop action plans using the most efficient and innovative methods in advance.

We support our suppliers with financial and operational issues to ensure they are informed about sustainability risk management. We evaluate the performance of our suppliers using specific criteria.

Our Financial Risk Management department conducts audits to identify financial risks in our supply chain with the help of an independent third party. At the same time, we identify social and environmental risks in our supply chain through efficient and comprehensive audit reviews. After these audits, we implement development plans to help our suppliers increase their performance.

By Directive 2000/53/EC, all parts supplied are checked for lead, mercury, cadmium, and +6 valence chromium presence using the IMDS System. In addition, the materials used at Tofaş comply with the GADSL (Global Automotive Declarable Substance List) standard and do not contain any prohibited chemicals.

One of the criteria for selecting suppliers is the evaluation of environmental performance. The environmental impact evaluation accompanies performance and cost evaluation of the goods and services to be purchased.

90% of direct material suppliers of Tofaş have the ISO 14001 certification, and we monitor the suppliers without this certification with a progression calendar. Also, WCM Environment audits of our suppliers have been started.

In 2021, we evaluated our 7 new suppliers on the environmental criteria. Moreover, the number of evaluated suppliers based on environmental criteria has reached 16.

With the work of our Foreign Trade Team, Tofaş material dispatch of various units within express in selected consignments aircraft cargo will go to the same location, organized land carrying our different loads we sent it by means of transport. In this way, we have achieved 20% emission gains.