2021 Sustainability Report
Employee Satisfaction

Everyone who starts working at Koç Group companies becomes a member of the Koç Holding Pension and Support Fund Foundation upon employment. Collected contributions are invested in securities and real estate investments. In the event of retirement or termination of membership, the collected contributions are repaid in the form of lump sum payments or retirement bonuses. Foundation members and pensioners benefit from health insurance that covers their spouses and children, and social benefits of foundation members include housing, financial support to meet certain needs, and risk coverage in case of death, inability to work due to illness and partial disability.

Tofaş employees have free health insurance, which is fully covered by the company. Employees have the option to include their spouses and children in the insurance coverage. At the end of 2021, there were 5,554 employees, 7,852 spouses, and 5,852 children covered by additional health insurance.

In 2021, the total number of scholarship holders reached 2,728 with the addition of 285 people to the “One More Support to Education from Tofaş” program launched by Tofaş for the children of the employees.

In 2021, 283 female employees were supported with the Nursery Assistance program, which was launched in 2016 to increase the proportion of female employees and maintain work-life balance.

Provision has been made for Tofaş’s entire severance pay liability of TL 299,693,145.26 as of December 31, 2021. Social benefits are regularly provided to employees in compliance with regulatory laws.

Every year, approximately 15,000 people, mostly Tofaş employees, receive training and development services from Tofaş Academy, including dealer network, customer interest center, and supplier organizations.

Tofaş Academy’s mission is “to provide the most appropriate learning experience for Tofaş and its value chain to enable them to do today’s job better and prepare for the future.”

The Academy provides 90% of its technical trainings with 249 trainers and 150 mentors using its own resources. Customized training and development plans are prepared for leadership and behavioral development both by using company resources and by expert trainers.

With the Digital Transformation School, which was established to provide digital competencies throughout Tofaş, 300 employees have completed certificate programs in data science, IoT, and RPA.

To support Tofaş’s adaptation to the change process, 80 Scrum Masters graduated from the agile transformation training programs created for employees in 2021 and contributed to the change by taking part in more than 130 projects.

Award to Tofaş Academy

Tofaş Academy was deemed worthy of 3 gold and 1 bronze awards in The Stevie Awards for Great Employers category in 2021 for its innovative education and technology solutions.




Monthly salaries

Total number of participants (virtual and face-to-face training)

4,479 people

Digital learning percentage


Average training hours per personnel

64.3 hours

Hourly wages

Total number of participants (virtual-face-to-face training)

39,575 people

Digital learning percentage


Average training hours per personnel

17.9 hours

Business Partners

Number of suppliers

50 companies

Number of supplier employees participating in the training

838 people

Total training hours

6,776 hours

Dealer Personnel

Total number of participants (virtual-face-to-face training)

4,014 people

Digital learning percentage


Average training hours

12.1 hours

“Pusula” Operational Competency System

Implemented in 2021, the “Pusula” Operational Competency System includes team and organizational data, controls the competencies of field employees and tracks development requirements.

Supplier Development Platform: Developa

The digital development site “Developa” was established in 2021 to meet the competency needs of suppliers and to apply modern learning technologies. Developa, which is accessible to all Tofaş suppliers, is a pioneer in the field of training with approximately 1,000 content and learning platforms such as Tideo and Wiki in addition to asynchronous training.

Stakeholder Development

Launched in 2021 and aims to reach our delars, the digital “Fiat Egea New Product Launch” received a Gold Award from the Stevie Awards. Sales and after-sales teams from across Turkey were contacted for the program, which makes the best use of digital training methods for different profiles in each session.

Tofaş Academy continued to offer tailor-made training and development programs to dealer and after-sales service personnel with its distance learning infrastructure compatible with pandemic conditions. Training, development, and consultancy services are offered through development activities called “Digital Literacy”, “Improving Sales Competencies”, “Improving Service and Customer Experience”, and “Strengthening Dealer Digital Learning Experience”.

In 2021, Tofaş provided a total of 239,099 hours of training to its employees.


The pandemic that started in 2019 made it impossible to give technical training face-to-face. In addition, the educational preferences of adult students began to change. These developments have brought the need to learn in a shorter time and everywhere. In order for Tofaş employees to continue their education without interruption, we evaluated the changing education system and learning preferences in detail.

Literature review, benchmark, and insight studies were conducted with Tofaş employees. Following these, the expert staff of Tofaş Academy created a new learning method by combining the data they collected with their knowledge and experience. Technical training, which was given only in the form of classroom training in the past, started to be offered with the motto “Sen Nasıl İstersen” (However You Want) as of 2021.

Participants had the opportunity to choose according to their personal development and learning goals. With “Self-Service”, it was aimed for participants to take responsibility for learning, while “A-Synchronous” training provided participants with the opportunity to learn individually via video. “Face-to-Face” trainings were transformed into virtual classrooms for participants who wanted to experience learning with an instructor. For participants who wanted to specialize, the “One-on-One” learning option was offered.

This activity continued in 2021. Insights were collected from the employees again at the beginning of 2022, and with the results of this agile project, the “Sen Nasıl İstersen” practice was updated.

Asynchronous training has been transformed into the “Inverted” method with the update, which enhances the learning experience. In addition, with the new normal, the “Face-to-Face (Hybrid)” learning method has been designed that uses both virtual classrooms and physical classrooms. In order to give participants more space and provide a personalized learning experience, the “However You Want” flow will be customized according to the trainees.

Our technical development activities are provided through our team of trainers and mentors. The staff within our company is constantly updated and growing according to changing needs.

As a result of analyzing 2021 data, the selection of technical development activities and the cumulative average of participant satisfaction rate are given in the relevant table. 2022 results are being closely monitored.

Type of Development Activity

2021 Add to Cart Rate

2021 Satisfaction Rate












Learners’ responsibility




Performance Management System

Launched in 2021, the performance management strategy that supports modern business and working practices will significantly accelerate Tofaş’s digital transformation and transition to an agile way of working. A system that evaluates the past has been transformed into a future-oriented approach, and mathematical and mechanical target cards have been replaced with target structures that employees can update throughout the year. A development-centered mechanism has been implemented that supports interaction and communication between managers, staff and other stakeholders.

E-Tofaş Platform

The E-Tofaş platform was put into service in 2021 to provide Tofaş employees with easy access to the official documents they need. Documents requested through the E-Tofaş portal are sent to corporate e-mail addresses with a verification code. This portal provides access to payroll, spouse appointment documents, employment certificates and monthly average salary letters.